Emotional Struggles


So my drive home generally takes anywhere between 40-60 minutes. It sucks, but I usually don’t realize it as I’ll chat with a friend or my mom or dad on the way home to help me not lose my cool.

Yesterday, for no apparent reason, the drive took 90 minutes! I mean really??? There was a 1 car accident that was cleared off to the side, but even after that the traffic was still slow and stop and go. I was so irritated, furious, and generally put myself in a bad mood. I watched as the clock in my car changed from 5:00 to 5:30 to 6:00. Now I didn’t even feel like working out at the gym or cooking dinner. I really just wanted to eat something fast and go to bed. So I did just that. I am a food addict. For that past 7 months, I have been able to stave off the bad foods and replace with vegetables. I am an emotional eater. I love food. I will feel the same way when I reach my goal weight as I do today. I’ve been “thin” before and I still loved food. Addiction is real people. I love the taste of it, the smell of some of it, the appearance of some of it. I love cheese and chips and cookies and cake. I love steak and hamburgers and sausage. I love donuts! I love Mexican food. I love dessert. This doesn’t mean that I eat all of that, but sometimes I get off track and let my emotions take over. I went to Golden Corral last night. I made some good decision and some poor decisions. I didn’t eat 7 desserts, but I also didn’t skip the hot roll or the seafood salad. I didn’t eat a plate full of fried foods, but I also didn’t skip the meatloaf. This is all okay though. I ate it, I’m claiming it, I’m moving on. Today is a new day. Today I walked 1.01 miles. Tonight, I WILL go to the gym. Today, I will eat healthy. And today, I will remember it is JUST FOR TODAY. Like any other addict, I need to remind myself that life is one moment at a time, not a lifetime at a moment. 

1 thought on “Emotional Struggles

  1. Jenny

    Good for you!!!! I think you are being completely strong and forgiving and lovely. The best thing you could do is not let one emotional binge derail your whole diet. You are human, and we are all addicts, and sometimes we slip. But you’re not letting yourself fall. Great, great, great.


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